Bowie’s novel, “The Tale of the Bastard Feverfew,” wins the Dactyl Foundation Award for Literary Fiction, December, 2017

Bowie safely returns from Russian Clown Tour with Patch Adams, November 2016– see blog post for his diary.

Bowie writes and publishes ten books of creative literary fiction, 2014-2019. 

November, 2015 

U.R. Bowie appointed fiction editor of the literary journal Bacopa

Bacopa cover

PRESS RELEASE – September 4, 2015



Local author U. R. Bowie has just published a novella he hopes will stimulate serious discussions on gun education, legislation, safety and the challenges of youth. The book OWN: The Sad and Like-Wike Weepy Tale of Wittle Elkie Selph is being given free to select local teachers and students for review to initiate efforts to have the book read and discussed at colleges or high schools nationwide. 

OWN is a very provocative story in the genre of literary fiction highlighting the numerous challenges youth face that too often play out in tragic national events. U. R. Bowie is the pen name for Dr. Robert Bowie, a UF graduate with a long and interesting career in America and Russia.

Dr. Bowie will be doing several lectures and book signings for educators and the general public this fall to explain and promote the OWN Mission. Venues and times will be listed on the website which includes his detailed resume, additional books and reviews – see

He is a lively speaker with an extraordinary background and a passion for helping find solutions to contemporary youth issues. The book is an unusual and captivating read that can elicit a wide range of responses concerning relevant societal issues.

OWN is narrated by a fifteen year old boy, Elkin (Own) Selph, who has just shot and killed a number of his classmates and is sitting in the school cafeteria, reflecting back on his life story. Own is essentially a good and intelligent young man, dramatically affected by common youth problems that precipitate some very bad choices. The story is riveting and the narration uses the unusual made-up language of Own and his friends.

From the back cover:

My name’s Elkin (Own)Selph, from Tocotano, GA. I love ole Georgie-what’s not to love? Not nobody caint not love the good ole sod-off Blue Ridge Mountains of NE Georgie.

Thang is, doe, I ain’t but wah-plach fifteen, and I got me like-wike real horrorshow woman problems, Now why did a ding-blinn Glock handgun get into the dits-blitz picture?

So here sets ole Own, all on his ownsome-lonesome, in a dark school cafeteria. Surrounded by scads of like-wike blinn-dead classmates. BAM BAM BAM BAM.

Quid nunc? NOW WHAT?

            The book’s unusual and creative language, inspired largely by Own’s favorite novel A Clockwork Orange, reads quite fluently once one “lets go” and flows with the rhythms of the story.

Robert Bowie has had a distinguished career. He is a University of Florida graduate with a B.A. in Political Science and History, 1962. In the army he worked as translator/interpreter, after studying Russian at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey CA. Having received an M.A. at Tulane University, he earned his Ph.D. in Russian Language, Culture and Literature at Vanderbilt University. He was a professor at Miami University, of Oxford, Ohio from 1970-2000, teaching Russian language, literature and folklore. He has lived in Russia and been a consultant on all things Russian in the business and diplomatic communities. Among his seven published books, three are in the genre of literary fiction.

Contact information:

Robert Bowie –



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